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Allows users to manage vendor information

Updated over a week ago


The Vendors tab in Data Management allows you to manage the vendor information imported from your ERP, including

  • selection,

  • lead time,

  • and status.

Navigate to Data Management under settings to manage vendor information.

Set default lead time for all vendors

You can set the default lead time for all vendors at the top of the Vendors tab. This lead time will be used if no lead times have been mapped or configured for individual vendors.

When a new vendor comes from your ERP to AGR without a lead time, the default vendor lead time days will be used.

Vendor list

The Vendors grid includes several columns of information about each vendor. You can manage vendors through the Included, Lead time days override and Closed override columns.

  • Included - AGR includes all vendors by default. This ensures that you can manage vendor's items within the AGR system. Uncheck the Included box to exclude vendors from AGR. Items from excluded vendors are labelled as Vendor Missing.

  • Primary vendor item count - The total number of items associated with the vendor as the primary vendor in your ERP.

  • Secondary vendor item count - The total number of items associated with the vendor as the secondary vendor in your ERP.

  • Lead time days ERP - This field shows the lead time from your ERP if it exists. This lead time will be used if it has not been overridden in the Lead time days override field.

  • Lead time days override - Enter a value to override the the lead time supplied by your ERP or to add a lead time if it is missing from your ERP.

  • Closed ERP - Any vendor that is closed in your ERP is labelled as yes. All open vendors from your ERP are labelled with No. You can open an otherwise closed vendor in AGR in the Closed override field. Items from closed vendors are marked with Vendor Closed.

  • Closed override - Use Closed Override to manually mark a vendor as closed regardless of their ERP status.


1. Excluding a vendor

In the example below, a vendor called PING has been excluded.

All items which have PING as their primary vendor will show up with Vendor Missing in the Primary Vendor field.

Below, two items with PING as a primary vendor show Vendor Missing.

2. No lead time being mapped from ERP

All vendors in this example below do not have lead times configured in your ERP or lead time is not being imported to AGR from your ERG. The Default vend lead time days of 1 will be used for these vendors.

3. Overridden lead time

Below, the lead time has been overridden to 20 days for a vendor called TaylorMade. This means that both the Default vendor lead time day" and Lead time days ERP columns are ignored for this vendor. AGR will use Lead time days override when ordering from TaylorMade. You can also override lead times on the item level.

All changes made in Vendors will take effect after your data has been refreshed over night.

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