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Forecast New items daily

Daily forecast settings for new items

Updated over 2 months ago

Phasing in new items is always tricky, and AGR is here to help!

For new items, that have either never sold or have their first sales date within the last 3 months. These items have the option to receive daily forecasts.

To enable the daily forecasts, navigate to the cogwheel > settings > forecast > Forecast new items Daily.

Let's compare our forecast options:

Monthly forecast: An item starts to sell in December, or in the current month, when AGR is set to using a monthly forecast type this item will get it's first forecast figures in january, or in the following month.

Weekly forecast: An item starts to sell this week, the item will receive it's first forecast figures in the following week, in AGR a new week starts on a Monday.

Daily forecast: when enabled items will get their first forecast figures as soon as one day after the first sales take place. For the first three months of sales the item will follow the New items daily forecast before switching over to either a monthly or a weekly forecast type according to the general settings.

When the Forecast New items Daily setting is enabled, as soon as the item starts selling, AGR will incorporate all sales within the current week or month and scale up to a full month, to capture sale trends during the critical item launch period.

Example: If we are 7 days into the current month and have already sold 100 units, The sales are scaled to a full month. 100/7 means 14,29 units per day which means 429 units per month (14,29*30).

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