Our standard integration against Epicor is designed to get you up and running with AGR quickly, powered with data from Epicor .
This integration takes care of getting data from Epicor to AGR. For exporting data from AGR into Epicor or elsewhere, see the AGR API docs, or Export confirmed orders from AGR.
Data mapping
The standard mapping of Epicor data into the AGR Data Interface can be found in the Epicor data mapping documentation.
If you need customizations to the data mapping to fit your needs, this can often be accommodated at a cost.
AGR is capable of accessing Epicor data through either a SQL connection or a REST API.
AGR assumes direct read access to your Epicor database. If the database is privately hosted, the integration requires an Integration Runtime service to be installed. See Get data into AGR via Integration Runtime.
Provide AGR’s onboarding team with read access to the Epicor live environment SQL database, as described in Grant AGR access to your data.
AGR authenticates with the Epicor API using a bearer token. It can be generated using Basic Auth (Username and Password) and API Key. For information on how to generate a bearer token, see instructions in the EpicorAPI.
Once you've created the Username, Password and API Key, please share it with your AGR onboarding team.
BOM Definiton REST
BOM Definiton REST
In order to access BOM data via the Epicor REST API, you must create a BAQ that meets the following requirements:
Name the QueryID as "AGRBom";
Use the Erp.PartMtl table and display PartNum, MtlPartNum and QtyPer columns;
Query Phrase should look like this:
[PartMtl].[PartNum] as [PartMtl_PartNum],
[PartMtl].[MtlPartNum] as [PartMtl_MtlPartNum],
[PartMtl].[QtyPer] as [PartMtl_QtyPer]
from Erp.PartMtl as PartMtl