Businesses who deal with sales orders, could argue that the forecast demand includes sales history generated by sales orders from the past. Therefore a fraction of the forecasted demand will inevitably include a forecast on sales order demand.
Sales order demand settings
Since Sales orders will continue to be created in response to customer demand. We offer three behaviors that users can choose for their demand and order logic:
The Never and always are perhaps self-explanatory, Never include sales orders in demand or always add them to the forecasted demand. However the conditional logic will be explained in more detail here below.
Conditional Sales orders explained
When this settings option is enabled, each night the demand calculations will compare Forecasted value vs. Open Sales order value, within each period (monthly/weekly). Thereby, incorporating the conditional logic into the upcoming year. The one that's higher is included in the total demand, and the other is dismissed.
Periods are in line with the Forecast type: (monthly/weekly)
Monthly: Calendar month
Weekly: Monday - Sunday
Direct impact:
Sales Plans: if you have entered data in the sales plan to override the statistical forecast for the order proposals, then there is no comparison, the sales plan rules.
Indirect impact:
Forecast vs sales orders on parent items will impact BOM demand on components.
Forecast vs sales orders on store level will impact Distribution demand