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Item Card Details
Item Card Details

The item card details has both information and settings options

Updated over a week ago


The details tab of the item card holds a wealth of item specific information and settings.

The green fields are editable parameters or settings while the white and gray are informational fields.


The Details tab on the item card holds specific information about each item grouped into 6 categories.

  • Item info

  • Stock info

  • Order route info

  • Item order schedule

  • Undelivered orders

Each item detail or setting has a description that appears when you click the question mark. Hover the mouse over any field, (?) mark appears, click the question mark and read all about it.

Item Info

Information from the ERP Item card are imported and shown here. The ABC classification is calculated within AGR.

Stock Info

Average stock units are measured by AGR on daily basis.

Stock in other locations, can be seen in a pop-up window that appears if you click the (i) icon to the right.

Stock units (i) icon displays stock in secondary locations that are either included or excluded as available stock in the main location


Order route settings

This section allows you to override default item order route information and view active item settings within the system.

You can modify order route parameters for individual items or in bulk with Bulk update.

The replenishment type will dictate whether the order route settings apply to purchase orders or transfer orders.

Here users can insert item/location order settings, to finetune the flow of goods.

Such as the lead time, MOQ, order multiple from the warehouse to the stores, in case the ERP system doesn't facilitate item/location order route parameters.

Forecast settings

Forecast settings are there to finetune the forecast.

The item card forecast settings will reflect global settings and are editable per item.

Overriding the forecast settings per item can give the user a feel for the impact of using these settings. Which can then help to finetune the forecast on a higher level. There can also be a benefit in finetuning the forecast settings on the item level.

Order logic settings

The order logic settings contain several green editable fields that influence the calculation of order proposals.

Scheduled Orders shown in Item Card

The order schedule will be visible in the item card - details. Here the user has a quick, read-only view of the replenishment rythm of each item as set in the scheduled orders.

If an item has more than one scheduled order, the calendar will have more than one color.

By clicking on the calendar, the full year appears on the screen, with a link on top with a name of the scheduled order, which can be clicked and the user is redirected to the Scheduled Orders page.

Undelivered Orders

This group shows all orders that have been placed but are yet to be delivered. The Reference No is the ERP PO number. Expiry Date is usually relevant for items with a sell-by date.

Orders with dates < today but within the date range set within the Order tab in Settings will have an orange indicator to the left of the Estimated Delivery Date. Orders with historical Estimated Delivery Dates outside of that range will have a red indicator. Orders for today and in the future will have a green indicator.

Orders with a yellow indicator will show against today in the Item Card Chart/Grid. These will be included in the order proposal calculation. Orders with a red indicator are shown for information purposes only and will not be included in the order proposal calculation.

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