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Item Card Details
Item Card Details
Updated over a week ago


The Details tab on the item card holds specific information about each item grouped into 6 categories.

  • Item info

  • Stock info

  • Order route info

  • Forecast Settings

  • Order logic settings

  • Undelivered orders

Each row heading has a description that you can view by clicking on the question mark that appears when you hover your mouse over the row heading.

Item Info

Attributes specific to the item are imported from the ERP and shown here. ABC information is calculated within AGR.




ABC category in AGR

Article No

The product code in the ERP without a variant


Closed if true. The item will have no forecast calculated and will be excluded from ordering calculations


The item description in the ERP

Item Group Level 1

The highest level of product group in the product hierarchy

Item Group Level 2

The second highest level of the product group in the product hierarchy

Item Name

The name of the item in the ERP


Where this particular item is located

Primary Vendor

The name of the primary vendor in the ERP

Sale Price

The item's sale price in the ERP


The volume of one item in the ERP


The weight of one item in the ERP

Stock Info

This section displays stock-specific data directly from either the ERP or calculated using ERP data. None of this data is editable in AGR.



Average stock units last 30 days

Stock unit qty held, on average, during last 30 days

Stock Units

Stock units on hand. Used in the calculation of order proposals. Shows stock breakdown if secondary locations are enabled.

Stock Volume

The total volume of all stock units calculated as number of items * the volume of 1 item.

Stock value

The total value at cost of all stock units calculated as number of items * cost price of 1 item.

Replenishment type

This section allows you to override default item order route information and view active item settings within the system.

You can modify order route parameters for individual items or in bulk with Bulk update.

Scenario 1: Replenishment Type - Transfer

Scenario 2: Replenishment Type - Purchase



Replenishment type

Determines whether the order route is a purchase route or a transfer route.

The default replenishment type for each item is automatically sourced from the ERP setup order route page.

If you've set up multiple available order routes for this item, you'll see a dropdown menu available, and you can change the replenishment type for this item.

Order from

The location from which the item is ordered. If the Replenishment type is a purchase, this would be the vendor. If the Replenishment type is a transfer, this is an internal stock location.

Lead time days

The time in days between placing an order and delivery to the location

Order Multiple

AGR order suggestions will be in multiples of this quantity of base units.

The order multiple could, for example, be equal to the box or case quantity for transfer routes, while being equal to the pallet quantity for purchase routes.


The minimum order quantity of this item. AGR order suggestions will be of at least this quantity for the item.

Cost Price

The item's cost price from the ERP is usually the landed cost price including freight and insurance

Purchase price

The price of an item purchased directly from an offshore vendor, not including freight, or insurance if the vendor is not responsible for these costs

Qty per Pallet

The number of base units in one pallet

Qty per Layer

The number of base units in one pallet layer


The name of the vendor selling this item

Vendor No

The vendor reference number of the vendor selling this item

Scenario 1: Replenishment Type - Transfer:

  • Allow selection of the order source from available transfer order route locations.

  • Editable fields include Lead Time Days, Order Multiple, MOQ, Quantity per Pallet, and Quantity per Layer.

  • Changes are visually indicated by a "revert to default" icon.

Scenario 2: Replenishment Type - Purchase:

  • Default information for purchase orders is displayed.

  • The Order From field displays the primary vendor (non-editable).

  • Editable fields include Lead Time Days, Order Multiple, MOQ, Quantity per Pallet, and Quantity per Layer.

  • Changes are visually indicated by a "revert to default" icon.

Forecast settings

Forecast settings are editable in Item Card Details, as can be seen by the green color of the cells.



Confidence Factor

This is assigned during the calculation of ABC values and is used to calculate Safety stock.

Demand on Saturdays

The Statistical Forecast is distributed equally between weekdays. If this cell shows Yes, then demand will include Saturdays.

Demand on Sundays

The Statistical Forecast is distributed equally between weekdays. If this cell shows Yes, then demand will include Sundays.

Event Model

This can be used when an event happens annually on a moving date. The event model adjusts the sales history to follow the event timeline without focusing on the specific date of the event. This is not recommended for use with monthly forecast type.

Exclude Lost Sale (%)

If there is Demand during a stock-out situation, this setting determines if the Demand is considered lost or not i.e. in order proposals, it will assume that the Demand will be fulfilled when the item comes back into stock. 0% means no sale is considered lost and 100% means all Demand that occurred during the stockout will be considered lost i.e. will not be included in future order proposals. There is an option to select a Lost sale percentage between 0% and 100% such that only a proportion of the demand missed during a stockout will be assumed to be lost.

Exclude from Forecast

No forecast will be calculated if Yes is selected. The default is No.

First Sale Date Into Forecast

The first date of the sales history which will be used to calculate the forecast

Forecast End Date

The last date for which a sales forecast will be created

Forecast Model Category

The type of forecast used for this item. AGR will default to the forecast model that best fits the demand pattern unless you change it.

Forecast Profile

Forecast profiles allow you to create seasonal profiles that you can apply to items when AGR does not have enough data to detect the seasonality

Forecast Start Date

The first date for which a sales forecast will be created

Forecast Type

The frequency of the forecast calculation. It can either be monthly or weekly.

Stockout Bridging

Toggle on and off Stockout Bridging. The default is off

Order logic settings

The order logic settings contain several green editable fields that influence the calculation of order proposals.



Additional Lead Time

Days added to the lead time registered from the ERP Lead Time. Additional Lead Time allows you to adjust the lead time for potential or known delivery days. Entering days into this field will increase the number of days of Demand included in the order proposal calculation but does not change the expected delivery date of the order.

Max Stock

Max Stock is only used when Order Logic types "Min/Max" or "Use min/max if exists" are selected in Settings. AGR sets this to "Standard" by default so the order proposal calculations use the demand calculated in AGR rather than building to a maximum stock quantity when the stock level drops to the minimum level or below.

Min Stock

Min stock can be seen as the fixed safety stock of items in units. If Min Stock > 0, AGR will ensure stock doesn’t drop below the min value.

Minimum order multiple threshold

The minimum order quantity a supplier accepts for items that need to be ordered with an order multiple.

Order Coverage Days

Entering data into this field changes the scheduled order calculation if the order quantity proposed > 0. In that case, the order period is changed to lead time days + order coverage days, and the order is recalculated.

Order Frequency Days

If a manual order is created and the user decides not to choose to use the setting "Create order to cover demand until date", the order period used in the order calculation = item order frequency days + lead time days.

Reorder Point

The level of an item in stock at which an order proposal should be made. The Reorder Point is used in Order Logic types "Min/Max" or "Use min/max if exists".

Special Order Item

No forecast will be calculated for these items. The demand in this item's order proposals equal open sales orders.

Undelivered Orders

This group shows all orders that have been placed but are yet to be delivered. The Reference No is the ERP PO number. Expiry Date is usually relevant for items with a sell-by date.

Orders with dates < today but within the date range set within the Order tab in Settings will have an orange indicator to the left of the Estimated Delivery Date. Orders with historical Estimated Delivery Dates outside of that range will have a red indicator. Orders for today and in the future will have a green indicator.

Orders with a yellow indicator will show against today in the Item Card Chart/Grid. These will be included in the order proposal calculation. Orders with a red indicator are shown for information purposes only and will not be included in the order proposal calculation.

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