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Reports overview
Reports overview

Your introduction to the Reports space in AGR.

Updated over a year ago


The Reports module is a powerful and flexible tool that enables data to be organized, analysed, and reviewed for three primary reasons:

  • highlighting products that may need specific action to be taken on them e.g. an urgent order needs to be placed or managing items with overstocks. These are considered exceptional products in AGR, hence another name for this group of reports - MBE (Manage by Exception) Reports.

  • validation of data imported from the ERP system or calculated within AGR

  • filtering items and locations for ordering purposes.

Why would exceptions exist if I am ordering regularly? You should expect deviations in sales and stock compared to original plans as business is dynamic and demand will fluctuate. Using the MBE Reports is a proactive way to catch outliers before a stock out or overstock situation presents itself.

Reports grid

The Reports grid allows you to see the full list of items included in a specific report. Here, you have access to the same features present in the Items module: columns, filters, sorting, grouping, etc. To understand view customization, check out our video, Customize Items & Reports view.

Saving a report

Whenever you make any changes to existing reports, the Save button will turn orange. You can save those changes in the same report if it was created by you or shared with you by another user (with editing permissions).

Otherwise, you can save your changes as a new report.

Reports sidebar

The Reports sidebar on the left-hand side allows you to view and access your reports. It can be opened and closed when viewing reports by clicking the icon in the upper, left-hand corner.

Finding reports

The reports in the sidebar are organized by groups. You can expand each group to see individual reports by clicking on the triangle next to the group title. Collapse a group by clicking on the triangle again. Expand or collapse all reports by pressing alt and clicking on a triangle.

Reports marked as favourites by toggling the star icon next to a report name will show under the Favourites group at the top of the sidebar.

You can search for reports by name across all groups using the search box.

Use the filter button at the top of the sidebar to filter the reports by:

  • reports you created and have not shared

  • reports shared with or by you

  • standard reports from AGR

Report options

By clicking the three dots next to a report name, you can:

  • create order proposals for all items in the report

  • find out more about the order under "Info..."

  • edit the report (requires editing permission)

  • delete the reports you own

Standard reports

AGR comes with a standard suite of reports. These are not editable, although they can be customized and saved as a new report under a different name.

A number of the report groups are named according to urgency. The name of the group indicates how often the reports in it should be reviewed - Daily, Weekly, Monthly. You can also create your own groups of reports.


Any report set up to highlight exceptions should return just those and not every item in the business. For example, if a daily report such as "Urgent Order Required" returns 90% of items in the business, then to prioritize those that are most urgent and important, a filter could be applied to show only AA items.

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