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Work in Plans
Updated over a week ago


Sales and Purchase plans both operate on the same flexible grid platform. This platform allows you to configure your data how it best suits your business and plan top-down, bottom-up, or middle-out on the dimensions you choose. Read on to learn how to get the most out of the planning grid.

View settings

View settings is the main area in plans where you can control the way data is displayed in the grid by selecting

  • columns

  • data series

  • drilldowns

  • filters and

  • actions

Admin users can access the Advanced settings, which enables more flexibility and allows views to be tailored to your needs. Click on the rocket icon to enable Advanced mode.


Columns control the level of detail in a plan. By hiding or displaying columns, you can change the grouping of data by the chosen column.

To select or deselect a column,

  • click the eye to display or hide.

  • click Sync Grid to show changes.

Rearrange columns by dragging and dropping in the grid or in the View Settings sidebar. Click on Sync Grid to show your changes if prompted.

Column settings in Advanced mode

You have more options for configuring the plans view in Advanced mode. You can:

  • select additional columns to add to the view.

  • change the aggregation of data in each column through one of 5 options.

For example, changing the Item No to distinct tells AGR to stop showing the individual item numbers in each item group and to show how many items are in each group.

  • lock columns

Clicking the lock switches locking and unlocking columns in the view.

  • Include or exclude columns

In Advanced mode, you can add new columns to the view or remove existing columns from the view. To add a column,

  • select the column from the dropdown menu

  • click on Sync grid when prompted.

The new column should appear after syncing.

To remove a column,

  • click on the x next to the column name

  • click on Sync grid if prompted.

The column will be removed from the planning grid.

Data series

Data series add information to your plan. AGR shows different data series as defaults in different plan views.

In the same way that columns can be hidden or made visible, data series can also be hidden or made visible through clicking on the eye. .

Edit data in Plans

You can edit data in any field in green in AGR.

When you start the entry in a cell with the equal sign (=), you can use the operators:

  • +

  • -

  • /

  • *

See the table below for examples and outcomes for each operator.

Example entry




Changes the value to 0

  • 5000

  • =5000

Changes the value to 5000

Previously, =5000 would change the value to 5000 and distribute the value regardless of any previous distribution


Changes the value to -5000


Adds 5000 to the previous value


Subtracts 5000 from the previous value

  • +10%

  • =+10%

Adds 10% to the previous value

  • -10%

  • =-10%

Removes 10% to the previous value


Multiplies the value by 2


Divides the value by 2

When you change or add data to the Total in a data series, the data will cascade down to all items that are shown in the view. For example, changing numbers at the Vendor level will apply a proportional change to all items supplied by that vendor, filtered in the view. Likewise, if you change or add data at the item level, it will sum up to the other levels, such as vendor or item group.

See here how the amendment to the sales for one item cascades up to the total for all items for the chosen Vendor:


If data is entered into the Total and there is currently no data at the lower levels, the data will be shared equally between the number of items which are shown in the view.

Displaying data in the grid

  • Time

You can select from three time aggregations to display the data in the data series. Choose Day, Week or Month from the dropdown in "Data Series by".

Data Series in Advanced mode

Enabling Advanced mode through the rocket will allow you to add or remove additional data series in the view. Another way to display data is to enable advanced mode and select from the extra options in the data series by drop down, such as Item Group or Primary Vendor.

For example, to create a 12-month planning horizon displayed by Item Group for Primary Vendors, you should make the following selections:

  • Column - Item group level 1

  • Data series by - primary vendor

  • Filter - 12 future month period


You have multiple filter options to include the right data in the view by using View Settings filters.

To filter data into a view, start by clicking on the white space below Filter. A drop down list will appear with the available filters.

Select the appropriate filter and choose the values for that filter to be shown in the view

Flexible planning

A useful feature in Plans is to filter to a list of Item numbers by copying and pasting them from Excel into the Item No filter

Date Filters

To filter data to a date period to be visible in the view, select the date filter and choose whether to filter to one/a range of months, weeks or days in the past and future. If the Rolling box is ticked, the data will display relative to the current day/week/month period you have selected.

If the Rolling box is not ticked, a specified date range can be selected for display:

Data Series Time v Filter Time

We recommend selecting the same Data Series By time as the selected Period.

Advanced Filter

The Advanced Filter is used to filter to data which may not be filterable using the pre-defined filters e.g. to filter to items where the Item No contains P or where the number of the Responsible person = 02

Advanced Filters use SQL syntax, a programming language used in AGR.


Drilldown filters enable you to easily review one value at a time, such as, a single vendor or a single item group.

Filters vs Drilldown

Filters can take multiple values at a time while drill own filters are limited to a single value at a time. Filter values are saved when you save a new view. Drilldown values are not saved.

Drilldown types

Drilldown filters have two types.

  1. Independent

Independent drilldowns are indicated with a bar (I) between the values. The available values in each drilldown are independent of each other.

Items returned here would be items with a location of Warehouse which are Accessories

  1. Hierarchical

Hierarchical drilldowns are indicated with a greater than (>) sign between the values. The values in the right-hand drilldown are a filtered sub-set of the selected value from the drilldown on the left.

In the example below, only sub-groups of Electronics (Item Group Level 1 drilldown) will be displayed in the list in the right-hand drilldown (Item Group Level 2 drilldown).

You can toggle between drilldown types by clicking on the split (I) icon displayed on the drilldown values

Locked and unlocked
The lock symbol indicates if the drilldown filters are mandatory or optional for users without access to the Advanced mode.

When locked there is no option to turn the drilldown off with an x


When unlocked there will be an x icon next to the drilldown. If clicked, the drilldown turns blue, displaying the name of the filter, and can be opened again by clicking on the text.

Drilldowns in Advanced Mode

By enabling Advanced Mode through the rocket, you can select drilldowns from the drop down list or remove existing drilldowns by clicking on the x.

Work in Plans 11.gif

Show totals

You can add row and column totals to the view to give you an overview.

The row and column totals are editable if desired. The amended data will be apportioned to the data which originally summed into the Totals.


Views are a saved version of the columns, data series, and filters selected in View Settings. You can save views for different planning purposes and easily switch between them while planning. You can also have more than one view open at once.

Create new or edit views

To create new views or edit existing views

  1. select the Views button,

  2. click save as, and

  3. give your new planning view a descriptive name.

The newly saved view is now available in the views list.

You can change the configuration of the saved view as described in this article. Once the changes have been made:

  1. click the views button again and

  2. press Save.


If a view has been edited, the Views tab will turn orange as a reminder to save the changes. If you don't save them and close the View, the changes will be lost.

View Sharing options

To share a view with other users, click on Views and the pencil icon.

You can open your views under My Views. Select everyone to share with all users.

Specific users

To share with specific users, click With Users and select the users from the dropdown list

Specific roles

To share with specific roles, click With Roles and select the roles from the dropdown list

Export to excel

Any view can be exported to an Excel or .csv file by clicking the export button in the navigation bar

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