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Data refresh
Updated over a week ago


Data refresh allows you to

  • monitor the flow of data between AGR and your ERP

  • refresh data outside of the regularly scheduled time

Data Refresh is housed under the Data Management section of Settings. Data refresh is only available to Admin users.


The Data refresh dashboard is divided into several areas, each described below.

  • Scheduled

    • Displays the scheduled time for the data refresh in GMT.

  • Average last 7 days - Duration

    • The average duration of data refresh processes over the past seven days. This helps users understand the typical time required for a refresh and identify any deviations from the norm.

  • Average last 7 days - In queue

    • Displays the average time data refresh processes spent in the queue over the past seven days. This metric helps users understand delays before the actual data refresh begins.

  • History

    • A graphical representation and a detailed table of past data refresh activities, including start and end times, duration, and the user who initiated the refresh.

    • Graph

      • Displays run time and average run time over the runs shown in the table. The table by default displays the last 10 runs. Press the Load more button to load older runs.

    • Table

      • Lists historical data refreshes with columns for:

        • Run number (#) - Automatically assigned by AGR

        • Coloured dots - Status of the run

          • Blue = refresh running

          • Red = refresh failed

          • Yellow = refresh needs attention

          • Green = refresh successful

          • Black = refresh cancelled

        • Start Time - When the data refresh started

        • End Time - When the data refresh ended

        • Duration - How long the refresh took

        • Started by - Who initiated the request

        • Queue - How long before the data refresh request was run. Scheduled jobs go into a queue before running.

Refresh the data in AGR

AGR automatically pulls new data from your ERP once a day at the time shown in the scheduled box of the dashboard. Click the Run button to update your data in AGR outside the daily data refresh.

Confirm that you want to run the data refresh when the modal appears. We recommend not making other changes in the system while the data refresh job is running.

The Run button is disabled when a data refresh job is running. Monitor the status of your request in the dashboard.

Failed refresh

It is possible that your data refresh request will fail, indicated by the red dot next to the run number (#). To find out more about why the request failed, navigate to the Execution list.

  • Click on the double bars to open the User Actions menu.

  • Click on Show More to open the complete list of actions.

A complete list of pending or recently failed user actions will appear.

  1. Click on the user action you wish to review.

  2. Click on the "i" button in the upper right corner of the toolbar.

  3. Review the action in the side bar that opens.

Contact your customer success manager if there is an error (red) or delay (yellow) shown in the History table status indicator.

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