Scheduled Orders
We are excited to announce significant enhancements to the Scheduled Orders feature, aimed at improving flexibility and control over your order processes. The first thing you may notice is the feature's fresh new look. You can get a quick overview of all your scheduled orders in one place. Select a schedule and click on the eye icon to see its details.
The details sidebar gives you all the information you need about the scheduled order and lets you
Set the schedule to inactive or active
Change the Scheduled Order owner
Update Order Coverage Days
Split orders
Auto-confirm orders within the limits you set.
You can schedule a purchase or transfer order for any item, item group, or any other filter.
Set a weekly or monthly schedule for the items you selected. Once the schedule is set, it is easily editable to add or remove certain days or weeks.
Learn all about AGR's improved Schedule Orders in the knowledge base article and watch the video there.
Item Details
You can do more than ever in the Item Details tab of the Item Card.
Click on the info icon next to Stock in other locations to get a breakdown by location.
Toggle Outlier Detection on or off in the Forecast Settings area.
API Improvements
Improvements to the timeout
Stock Availability last month, last 3months, last 6months and last 12months is available as columns in Items/Reports and through the API.
Other Improvements
Set the threshold for Outlier Detection in Settings
Updated grid throughout the system
Bug fixes
Filtering on Blank/Not blank and Not Equal more stable now.
Bulk Updates order route selection can now reset to default.
BOM Consumption now takes Sales into account more accurately.
Other improvements and fixes
Minor changes were made in the system to improve stability, performance, and user experience.