Each AGR user is assigned a Role that determines which parts of AGR the user can access. The role may determine whether the user can strictly see or also create and modify information in an AGR module or feature. User Management is typically controlled by a user assigned the Admin role.
To access User Management, click the cog and select User Management from the dropdown list.
Features available to be restricted by role are listed in the view, and AGR has created several standard roles to accommodate typical inventory management roles.
Select the appropriate box under the desired role to add a feature to an existing role. To remove access, deselect the box.
Add roles
To create a new role,
click on the + sign to the right of the toolbar,
enter the desired name for the new role,
press save,
and select the features you want the new to access.
Restricted Features
Selected features are only assigned to the System user role for AGR staff only. These are:
Development Mode
Forecast Accuracy Tracking
Forecast Accuracy Tracking Modify
Scheduled Tasks
Scheduled Tasks Modify